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20th April ; the day i was born
i own this blog,
memories of mine
a way of expressing my thoughts,
at the end of the day
i'm still chery.=]

Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.

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Layout : CRUSHthespeaker

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Blogger : 53-percent


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Tuesday, September 30, 2008 3:48 PM

Definition; the feeling that accompanies an experience of being thwarted in attaining your goals.

I'm a fool to even think there's a chance for everyone but sadly no . Someone should really stand up and speak out , this can't continue to go on. EVERYONE deserves a chance(at least once) just because they are not in the brightest student; smart; doesn't mean they are dumb and irresponsible you know and yes i would love to tell her this someday " stop thinking that others are not good enough to take up responsibilities and just because they are not up to" your standard" doesn't mean that they can't work .",-quote me.

I'm really fed up over things like this . it always happens and i don't know why.
WELL HELLO TO THAT FOOL i really do hate you sometimes , you don't think logically.urgh.

Two Down ; One More To Go
Friday, September 5, 2008 7:02 PM

Trials are over and I'm back to blogging .

The burdensome task of preparing for National Examination is just stressful and troublesome i don't even have time for myself anymore and its not a good thing.Pretty much nothing had happened during this summer. Should i think of it as a sad thing ?or a good thing?I'm not sure about that.
But one thing for sure is everything is on the right track and there's no turning back.Persistence on my studies is important if i really want to score and get good grades but sometimes i wonder is it all worth it?Yes it does.

Life is like a story that never ends.Good things and bad things happens during it , emotional breakdown , friendship torn apart ;get back and so on is part of what people go through right?.

This is crap ! LOL.i'm running of topics to talk for now but i'll be back as soon as i think of something.Oh by the way this is how i run my blog.
Firstly, ramblings or rants .
Second, friendship time!
Third, having random shots of everyone.
; lastly myself.

ps;// i'm going to change my whole layout so be back for more.