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20th April ; the day i was born
i own this blog,
memories of mine
a way of expressing my thoughts,
at the end of the day
i'm still chery.=]

Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.

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i'm done with it.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008 11:21 PM

blah i've been really lazy to update my blog and going online.but since i'm free now i'll make a short post

school- hectic , cheerleading is stressful due to sports day is on 3rd of April ?!! OMFG. homeworks too much till i'm going nuts now and camp camp camp URGH.

life-tuition, homeworks, sleeps(thats the only time when i'm free.*pfft.*) and watching tv?LOL
ah and B-O-R-I-N-G.

friends- nah not in the mood to talk bout it or even care bout it, but thanks to those whom where there to listen to me

that's it i'm gonna update as soon as possible.bye bye.

ps; i didn't mean it that way ; seriously you're taking my words the wrong way.if you have a problem come
straight up to me and not telling people behind my back.i told you once
i said i was trying to fix things ;trying to make things right between us , but it just seems that
you don't want to believe me ;
LET ME MAKE MYSELF CLEAR i wasn't trying to separate or backstabb whoever they are.I WASN"Ti told you it was something else
secondly it was a private conversation it wasn't suppose to mention or known to others, but somehow it's alright if you don't want things to be how it was i'm fine with it but still
you made me put all my effort in ; and at the end it was just a waste?
maybe i;m just too dumb to actually believe everything will go right.
people tells me that you said it won't be how it used to be i won't believe her anymore, but i believe i could change it but no it couldn't.

I've been trying to tell you something
But you never understand
I feel like we've been going 'round in circles
You look at me like I've become
A stranger on the streets,
A skeleton that's been hiding in your closet

the end of me
a new beginning ; a new journey .

can i or can't i?
Saturday, March 15, 2008 7:19 PM

there are things i want to say and let you know but i know it from the very beginning the deeper i get into the more i will get hurt from it.finally i found out the truth or is it just an excuse?i don't know i don't want to think, i still have to face everything ,i need to go through this week and everything is going to be how it used to be .i keep telling myself that but now i'm feeling sad and disappointed .its really silly that i would actually think that way, but thats just how i am. i told myself to forget everything and anything that we had gone through , in front of em's i told them i was fine and i will be thinking of something else the next day but it was just a lie i can't infact the more i hope not to think bout it the more i will be thinking , someone told me that you shouldn't have regret because you know you love him and its not wrong to love someone " he's right , but i knew this was not the person i could love and all, life was good all these while till now and then.i've always been loved and all by friends and family but when it comes to loving someone , things start falling apart and it HAPPEN'S EVERY SINGLE TIME when i fall for the certain someone. you know sometimes i keep asking why is this keep happening to me ?seriously its revolving you know nothing changed its just different person. there is things bout me no one know and everything i try to do was everything i hope it will happened to you.i'ts really hard for me to do this again i don't know what to do and what to think anymore and thank goodness exams' over if not i'm going to be dead.some may think i'm shallow ; but deeply to people who knows me i'm just not what it seems to be.i'm afraid because i'll all on my own in this dark empty box .maybe i'm the only one who is feeling like this? he's actually just treating me as a friend?it doesn't matters anymore it just don't.

yourself or someone like you?
smiling doesn't mean i'm happy.

please save me from this
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 10:44 PM

Take a breath
I pull myself together
Just another step till I reach the door
You’ll never know the way it tears me up inside to see you
I wish that I could tell you something
To take it all away

Sometimes I wish I could save you
And there’re so many things that I want you to know
I won’t give up till it’s over
If it takes you forever I want you to know

When I hear your voice
Its drowning in a whisper
It’s Just skins and bones
There’s nothing left to take
No matter what I do I can’t make you feel better
If only I could find the answer
To help me understand

tell me whatever you said wasn't true ; tell me it was just an illusion

people come and go, but you can stop that.
Monday, March 10, 2008 8:14 PM

ssup dudes !.LOL.i'm high sorry.i know i'm late but STILL EXAMS OVER yeah but this time my routine is different from how it used to be.i've did some research for the previous things i've did and done.conclusion i'm was such a fucked up bitch like how any girl/teenage had gone through, that time i was just naive and pure dumb?to do everything i've done and all and now i finally realize that it's just so stupid that i've done all those its like i'm not who i am anymore it was like i'm trying to be something i'm not, and some stuff that i've regretted to do.HEY you can't blame me for being that i was only form 2 okay the year where you had alot of things going through ?example..boys.friends.popularity.and so on lar .LOL. to tell the truth i wasn't who i really was that time until the end of the year when i fixed everything up and yeah everything was fine again but there was some parts that were broken and its hard to heel it again but i'm trying my very best. (i know people are going to say "shut the fuck up la who want's to know about all this you're like so lame and blah blah blah" i don't care this is my blog i can do whatever i want and its a blog duh!x]
but the thing is friends are hard to get you know and high school life is just too short .appreciate them before its too late when its gone is GONE YOU KNOW. problems keep hunting me but i'm going to stand up strong and face it because i know its part of growing up and i'm ready to take up responsibilities and trust me you girls' out there who is below 15 this is something you should really take note on.when i was younger i curse and used vulgarizes and it is an ADDICTION ALRIGHT so stop before its too late. to my beloved friends your friend here whom used to be a pain in the ass i want to say i'm sorry for all the trouble i've cause this girl here is finally growing up and facing the things she have to face with.AREN' T YOU JUST PROUD OF ME?ROFL. Apparently we all had changed drastically so.. LET THE PICTURES DO THE TALKING .

this was this year.

pat,steph yap,sue chuin, chery


i've pulled myself out of the misery ;but you've pulled me into it again.