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20th April ; the day i was born
i own this blog,
memories of mine
a way of expressing my thoughts,
at the end of the day
i'm still chery.=]

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my life; upside down
Thursday, February 28, 2008 3:04 PM

I've been getting complains for not updating ma here goes.x]i was back like 2 weeks ago and after that life have been ..what can say ?really pissing me off all these whiles.those problems had been hunting me before i went for my vacation , and now it's back to me again, and this time i just can't take it anymore i let all my tears out and everything of mine is nothing of their's anymore?
people think I'm over reacting?no apparently I'm not.i've been thinking and nothing but just thinking bout it.NO don't get me wrong this is not bout love alright peeps.!silly i know and make it short it just sucks to be me ey.plenty of those whom is talked to me lately know whats going on in my life and trust me i bet all of you know what it feels and like to be in my shoes right now.exams are heck of the near its like 4 more days to exam.WOAH and finally i've decided to make things clear and thanks for all those advice specially to carmen ,pat,berniee aaaaaand steph.LOL.yeah they make me know what is more important and what's not and what's not worth my tears anymore? I really don't want to talk bout it every time i mention bout the problem's i'm facing, my tears will just fall without crying, why?because i cared thats why my tears keep dropping whenever i thought bout it.bout how we used to be and how we used to spend time together and ...nevermind its just urgh.forget it.NOW its not the time to think bout all this shit STUDY AND STUDY THATS THE MOST IMPORTANT EXAMS ARE AROUND.GOD PLEASE SAVE ME FROM THE MISERY.

oh oh anddd... the picture's FROM MA HOLIDAYS.
its not complete yet so YEAH i will update the pictures soonn.LOL.sigh won't be updating this week for sure lah, exams are around.GOSH.

On the other side of my life, happy thoughts' now.oh right i watched STEP UP 2.
heck its so nice.
the moves are better than STEP UP 1 and the actors this time can dance even better than the first movie.andddd the lead actor's and music SO HANGAT LAAA.*drools.LOL

see la even the poser is so attractive already how could you resist it.?


Briana Evigan

-i'm ready to take responsibilities to everything and anything , just tell me what's going on, this is tearing me apart.

Friday, February 15, 2008 2:44 PM


Friday, February 8, 2008 11:29 AM

okay so here goes, i'm running out of time i still have another 15 minutes and i need to get to the airport.frankly saying i'm not really looking forward to this trip not that its not interesting and all is just that i miss my babe's back here.i really do.but in another way, i can relax my mind for a while during this trip and make things clear,and most important SHOPPING LA ABOTHEN. x].

i'm sorry for everything i've done
Tuesday, February 5, 2008 5:56 PM

life's short ; LIVE IT TO THE FULLEST.

i do not want to be forgotten,
i want to be a friend ,
a listener and when you need a shoulder to cry on,
i'm always there for you,
i know i've made mistakes that you couldn't forgive me ,
i've broke your heart more than once.
but please give me one more chance
i'll prove to you that i'm worth your trust again.
i do not want this to continue when i look at you it reminds me of all those memories we used to had and all those sleepovers that made us like mad peoples', cooking, foot massaging,
it's still fresh in my head like it was just yesterday i hope you remember it too.
those were the greatest thing that had ever happen
those are memories that will remains forever and sealed.
everything is revolving , yes people change and move on but please just give me one more chance for our friendship to be how it used to be again.
i don't know why am i writing this but i really regret over what i've done.i don't care what is going to happen in the future but i want you know , if you need me i'm always there ,
that was what you did for me last time , and i appreciate its my turn to do something for you and i hope you will know .
you were ;
the one whom was always by my side,
when i go through the darkest moments of my life,
there when i need a should to cry on,
there to share my joy and sadness.
all these while; i've been mean to you and i really regret it.
i've been really selfish, i tried making things up for both of us but it didn't work out.
i don't want you to do anything after you see this .i just want you to you no matter what you're always there for me and i will always be there for you.

ps;i've lost something that can't be replace by anything in this world.
friends till the end and i appreciates my primary mates till now.they were once my best friends and they still guys rocked my world i don't know what to do without you guys.

-i'm not being emo or wanting anything .
i'm just expressing how i feel because life's really short i want to do everything and anything when i still have the abilities to do and apologize to everything that i've made.


Family mourns loss of beautiful, intelligent go-getter
5:15 PM

She had the world at her feet but death robbed medical student Lee Nian Ning of a
brilliant future.

The straight As student, former state swimmer and accomplished Girl Guide was on the double-decker express bus from Penang to Kuala Lumpur which crashed near Slim River on Friday.

Nian Ning, 21, a Public Service Department (PSD) scholar at the University of New South Wales in Australia who was on her way to visit friends in Kuala Lumpur, was among three passengers who perished when the driver lost control of the bus and slammed into a divider.

“We learnt that the driver had 13 summonses against him. Why had the company not screened him and realised that he was not competent to drive that bus?

Final rites: Friends paying their last respects to Nian Ning at her Taman Gelugor home in Penang Sunday.

“I wonder why the authorities still allowed such a monster to roam our streets?” asked Nian Ning's distraught father Lee Hock Chuan, 50, a company human resources director.

He also expressed disappointment over the bus company's reaction to the tragedy.

“They know who the victims are and yet, I have yet to receive a single call from them. There is not a single representative from the company here today to pay respects to my eldest daughter,” he said.

The family is contemplating legal action and Lee appealed to witnesses to come forward.

Devastated: Nian Ning’s parents looking through a scrapbook containing goodbye letters from her close friends.

“It won’t bring her back but we just want justice to be done,” he said.

The attractive Nian Ning, who stood 1.72m tall, was a national backwoods cooking champion and had set her sights on becoming a doctor.

She scored straight As in both the UPSR and PMR and obtained 11A1s and one A2 in the SPM exams.

“From a young age, she was so clear about her goal. Even though she had been approached to be a model, the only thing she wanted to be was an orthopaedic surgeon,” said her mother Ong Keep Gim, 48, a teacher.

Friends and family of the young victim paid their respects at her home in Taman Gelugor yesterday.

She was later cremated at the Batu Gantung crematorium.

More than 20 of her closest friends also created a scrapbook with personal messages to their friend.

“She was determined and a perfectionist,” said J.A. Cheng, 20, who was Nian Ning's schoolmate.

“She knew what she wanted in life and achieved her dreams. We will miss her very much.”

Petitions To Have Safer Bus Rides For Long Distance Routes

We, the concerned youths of Malaysia express appalled anger towards the Slim River Bus Crash incident that claimed the life of Lee Nian Ning, Mohd. Zailani and Pang Boon Eng on the 25th of January 2008. This is not the first time that such an incident has occurred. Despite numerous complaints and public uproar in the past, incidents like this continue to occur. It was reported that the driver’s company had 13 summonses on that bus itself. We find it unacceptable that such a company could have operated that vehicle on the road.

What are the explanations?

Hundreds of thousands of university students just like Nian Ning and us rely on such public transport to travel back home. A human life should not be taken lightly.

How could a vehicle with 13 summonses be free on the roads and not be held by the authorities?

We, the following, hereby demand that the relevant authorities set up a committee consisting of road safety experts and representatives from relevant public bodies to conduct a thorough study to find effective solutions to ensure that mistakes like this do not occur again in the future.

We will not be quiet until we see it in the media that satisfactory measures have been taken.

To sign the petition,
Please click here

love it or hate it.
Friday, February 1, 2008 2:47 PM

okay chinese new year is in LESS THAN A WEEK TIMEE.WHEEE.i'm so glad.sorry for the lack of update school have been really busy after co curriculum activities had started and homeworks are getting more and more.pfft.every single day the teacher will surely find a way to torture us.x]
whatever anyways last week was mom's birthday so me and dad surprised her with a treat to rasa sayang hotel for dinner.

i'll cut the crap and let the pictures do the talking.



darn i should have brought my camera there.what a waste.


lol the end of the day i had fun that day.except for the other part in queensbay.

okay second update is about YOUTHWAVE.
26th January 2008

that day i went over to gurney to get some stuff, then was ppk-ed by jo and jeff.then we called up winson and he went.then just hang around and went back at 4 pm due to its TOO BORING and youthwave's at 7pm so need to get ready.shu ern came and fetch me and pat there but before we went we vained a here it goes.

then after that we went over to EPCC. youthwave was heck of the fun i didn't expect it to turn out that way but it did and i did met alot of friends there though.some of em's i haven seen them since ages and stuff.yeah i think thats all for now .

-i can't stand this anymore please take me away.