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20th April ; the day i was born
i own this blog,
memories of mine
a way of expressing my thoughts,
at the end of the day
i'm still chery.=]

Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.

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merry christmas?
Thursday, December 27, 2007 2:14 AM

24th December 2007.

okay it was Christmas eve and we all went to gurney.Gurney was packed with people's i mean lots and lots of peoples.i didn't stay in gurney till midnight this time , in fact i went to my ah pat's house and we had chicken , fries and i don't know lots of stuff still.then afterwards we went over to butterworth it was vincent's aunt party or something?haha.LMAO.who cares right.we had fun there though it was like a place filled up with kids all around you and underneath the christmas tree was woaah FILLED WITH BANYAK PRESENTS!and we had ours too.thank youu aunty and uncle.

i'll cut my crap and let the pictures do the talking.


i,vincent and min

my brothaa.LOL.

the girls.

and the clock's strike 12 yay MERRY CHRISTMAS CHEERS.

okay we ended the night with joy and fun
went back to jo's place at 2.30 am.
and fooled around then sleep.

25th December 2007.
woke up at 6 .15 am .wth heck right i was sneezing the whole time can't really sleep , then met up with the boys then went to had breakfast.after that we went over to vincent's house
according to our plans from the previous night we were suppose to start painting at 8 am but we ended up lying on his bed till 10 am.then we finally get our ass up and start painting.
ahaha he's a retard.

trying to look hardworking but he failed.

this is what happen when it gets boring.we started paint each other.

when we were painted we even gave each other names;
vincent was the boss so his name was ;BOSS
jeff was the lazy one and the dumb one;georgee.
(it also refers to george from the jungle .)haha.
min was the quiet one whom was sitting there and just paint;milo
(i've no idea why thats her name also.)
jo was the noisy one ;maria
(vincent named her)
pat was the siao siao want eh; susu.
( i don't know why its that her name also)
my was simple;susaaann
(named by the boss)
*convo between jeff and jo.*
stupid georgee so lazy want everyday sit sit and emo emo niaaa.somemore baru came out from the jungle wear underwear nia stupidd don't know anything want.
shuddap la maria later i call boss to send you back to indonesia ah.
you also what georgee don't know anything want eh just talk talk talk non stop come from bombaii.
nono i come from malaysia you come from indonesiaaa want so tiamm laa.

trust me it was so hilarious if you were there you will laugh your ass out.after all those exhausting moments that we had gone through together it was all worth it.
we had fun and we all are close as brother's and sisters.

was heading to gurney .looking exhausted.

till then this will be my last post for this week i think.
.i'll be updating after new year.


Friday, December 21, 2007 10:27 PM

1. Each blogger must repost these rules
2. Each blogger has to rant 8 random facts/habits of themself
3. List 5 ppl to be tagged
4. drop by their blog and let them know they've beed 'TAGGED !!!'

1.i love to shop i really do .
2.if you hate me then just get lost i don't give a damn bout what you say because your just jealous .
3.i love my friends and family .
4.i love sleeping, no seriously i can die without sleeping.
5.i love singing in the shower?LOL.
6.i've been having nightmares lately.=x
7.spending my free time with my friends .
8.enjoys listening to music

okay now i'm gonna tag 5 people.
4.sue chin

why are you doing this to yourself?
9:06 PM

well, things happened again.this time its not something that we didn't expect so wasn't really shocked when i receive the news i ended up feeling sympathy to the other guy that was involve in it.and if this post going to offend anyone who is reading i'm really sorry but i'm just telling the truth bout what happen to my friend life.
here's how the story goes.well beginning of this year he get what he wanted most "THE IT GIRL" whom he had admire so long , then one day he finally decided to asked that question and the answer was yes, the live happily ever after? heck this is reality there's no HAPPILY EVER only happens' in YOUR DREAMS.when they started dating it was all good , but when it gets longer, things got worst,they were arguing always and the girl started feeling that he was annoying and she's like taking care of a kid?and the guy tried to change but whatever he do it always seems so wrong in this girl's eye.why is he so stupid you might ask?there is only one explanation for this is because he loved her .after 6-7 months, she finally decide to break up with him.and yes he said yes to her. though they broke up, he never gave up loving her as always and yet he keep on trying to get back with her , but no she choose to just be friends with him and not be with him though they were like gf and bf there were on and off during that moment. the story don't end here, it still goes on , then there comes in another guy who likes this girl and yet this girl liked the other guy too.that guy who like this girl were friends with the girl's ex..well things got awkward between those two guys as they go to the same school and they mix with the same people' this new guy flirt with the IT GIRL and yes she likes him to so she did the same back to him.and yet the it girl's ex still think he have a chance to get her back she was giving him hope but no, she told the other guy she likes him better than her ex?like what the heck right?okay moving on, so ended up now , the new guy and the girl were on from last week and none of their friends know it until they decide to tell them bout it .when they receive the news bout they were offically gf and bf's no one was shock because that was what they though it was going to happen already. then the next day they all went out and yes that girl's ex went with them too..he acted all cool and stuff like he didn't bothered bout the girl and her bf but no when they went to watch a movie he can't keep his eyes off that girl, and that girl was cuddling with her new bf ...he's a really dumb guy huh?but yet thats the greatest thing god had gave him.a heart to love someone with all he can and never let go..i'm sure nowadays no one can do that.and yes i do think he's really stupid to be so..because he is just hurting himself deeper and deeper every single day from now onwards and i doubt no one will know what will happen next and we are really looking forward to everything from advice simple if you are going through this now, please ask yourself how much do you actually love that person?if its not that deep , then let it go and get someone new maybe she/he is just not the one for you.and don't be such an idiot stuck there and cry for it because that person already moved on and so must you, if you can't then you can continue to love her/him still without having them by yourside.

ps;due to this story its a realistic thing that had happen , and i'm sorry if i've offended anyone whom is reading this .thank you.

i would really like to dedicate this song to everyone whom is going through the same thing.
Got up on the wrong side of life today yeah
Crashed the car and I'm gonna be really late
My phone doesn't work cause it's out of range
Looks like it's just one of those kind of days
You can't kick me down I'm already on the ground
No you can't cause you couldn't catch me anyhow
Blue skies but the sun isn't coming out no
Today it's like I'm under a heavy cloud

And I feel so alive
I can't help myself, don't you realize

I just wanna scream and lose control
Throw my hands up and let it go
Forget about everything and runaway yeah
I just want to fall and lose myself
Laughing so hard it hurts like hell
Forget about everything and runaway yeah

So So is how I'm doing if you're wondering
I'm in a fight with the world but I'm winning

Stay there come closer it's at your own risk
Yeah you know how it is life can be a bitch

But I feel so alive
I can't help myself, don't you realize

I just wanna scream and lose control
Throw my hands up and let it go
Forget about everything and runaway yeah
I just want to fall and lose myself
Laughing so hard it hurts like hell
Forget about everything and runaway yeah

Runaway Runaway……

I just wanna scream and lose control
Throw my hands up and let it go
Forget about everything and runaway yeah
I just want to fall and lose myself
Laughing so hard it hurts like hell
Forget about everything and runaway yeah

this is fate so accept it; don't doubt it .
signing off for now.x


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nothing much?
Saturday, December 15, 2007 10:43 PM

nothing much happened lately..won't be updating so often unless there is something
special or some event's? yeah i guess thats all.

today was usual , went gurney met up with nigel while waiting for vincent to buy his boxers' .i went to FOS and i bought a shirt there its so nice.wth right?then afterwards we went to get mcflurry (he belanja wei so good hor.but next time must belanja him back want ish.) then straight went to one stop .went for the arcade it was cheap okay .4 bucks for 1 hour?heck its so much better than gurney its like 1 ringgit per game?i wonder how much they earn per day .?hmm.who cares right.LOL.later on we walked back to gurney and guess what we watch ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS.its so cute alright. but the movie sucks .waste my money mia.haih.what to do right i'm wasting money on useless stuff.i should really stop wasting money on USELESS THINGS.=] yeah after the movie we walked around then i've gotta go, before i went back i saw Giordano was on sale NOT ONLY GIORDANO ITS THE WHOLE EFFIN' MALL ON SALEE..WOOT GONNA BRING DADDY TO THE MALL TOMORROW AND BUY BUY BUYYY..
see la baru say don't want to waste money manatahu now wanna spend again.what to do right i'm a shoperholic i can't stop buying things get it?

anyways before i end this post i wanna say something ,Christmas is comin' is like a week apart?WOOT.totally looking forward to Christmas ;this year is kinda different from the previous not going to celebrate in gurney on the 24th, gonna celebrate in my friend
's house .she's having a feast .TURKEYY ALRIGHT.then on the 25th we are going to somewhere which they are not sure yet and heck i've no idea where thats gonna be.might be going to overnight at someone's house and i don't know who's house it is going to be.yeah thats all for now.
and one more thing christmas is not about presents and stuff its bout getting together as a family and enjoy's bout sharing and caring as long as your love ones are there with you then thats the best gift Santa has given to you this christmas.

note to SANTA; i was a good kid this year please grant me what i want and i'm sure you know what i want for my christmas .=]

signing off for now.x
i've falling head over heels for you
and i've no idea why i'm because you used to be my worst enemy.

omelette's anyone?
Sunday, December 9, 2007 11:16 PM

6th December 2007
okay well, today i suddenly decide to go to pat's house then we walk to sue's house.yeah something like that kinda complicated huh? me and pat decided to make her house upside down well, make it clear is actually her kitchen and her brother's bike.oh and btw I wanted to bake a cake or something and make pancakes?like WTH right?haha but ended up we made omelette's . EXTREME ONESTEEHEE.
i'll let the picture's do the talking.its better.=]

well we need these materials before we start cookin'.
soya sauce,cooking oil, eggs, cheese, curry powder,chicken stock, sausages and ham.

pat was beating the eggs.SHE'S THE SO CALLED PRO.

okay well actually they egg wasn't added with curry powder 'till i found it in her kitchen.=x

before we get STARTED.

sue's first time MAKING OMELET.

she is making sure that its non poison

the process of US trying to fry the egg.

looks nice don't you think?=S

she's the COOK.

well, though we are frying omelette's we vained a little.


she love's my egg NOT.

enjoying thee OMELET.

well after enjoying ruining her house's kitchen , and after eating here's when the pain starts.CLEANING.*faints*

after all it was fun and we ordered mcflurry as our bad i didn't take a photo of us riding the miserable bike that is so freakin' small.TRUST ME YOU NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE.haha.

signing off for now.x

i'm better off without you;i'm so done with you.

Saturday, December 1, 2007 9:58 PM

i'll always be here,
till my last breath i'll still be waiting for you,
no matter what happens all i'm wishing for that your happy for what you had choose,
and carry on everything in your life like how it used to be;
i need to learn how to live without you,
and stand up for myself .
all i'm hoping is everything will be how it used to be
and let the past be memories that last forever in a place where no one could see.

crawling back to you;
everybody knows that i was such a fool to ever let go of you,
but baby i was wrong and yeah i know i said we be better of alone,
it was time we moved on i know i broke your heart
i didn't mean to break your heart,
Banging on your front door
My pride's spilled on the floor
My hands and knees are bruised
And I'm crawling back to you
Begging for a second chance
Are you gonna let me in?
I was running from the truth
And now I'm crawling back to you


hanging out in the mall is just to lame for us?xD
12:04 AM

alright yesterday we woke up at 10 am wth right?all thanks to winson,jeff,vincent for waking us up and telling us there are at my house there.thanks to em we all must wake up and go down to get them,after that we watched movies and had breakfast together..then they fell asleep .SWT.then my dad says this;

eh go and bathe and i take you all out
har?for what go out don't want laa want to stay home and sleeep
no cannot must get out of the house

see don't know what nonsense is that we must go out pulakk, okay then guess where we plan to first we plan to go to gurney , then they say its boring so we plan go to pat's house manatahu she don't let she then nevermind I came up with a brilliant idea we all semua pergi to egate which is located next to tesco!!LOL then we plan after my dad drop us in tesco and have lunch there then we walk to my house and sleep.XD but but but this is what happened

eh lets go back to your house d laaa, i very stim d.
oh okayy lets go la,eh WAIT WAIT WAIT i forgotten to bring my house keys weii.
haiyo how i know right i seriously forgotten what you cannot blame me alrightt

then nevermind they all went into tesco and shop for groceries?more like doing nonsense inside there? and jeff didn't want to go in so we walk around and at last we went to the food court and kap nonstop hour later they called us and ask where we are then when they came we somemore kena scolded for dissapearing.ish.
then at last we decided to walk to my house , we used 1/2 hour to reach my house.when we all sampai right, all of us stim d .face all like shit but we all vained around and fool was quiet fun afterall.the guys went back at 8pm and after that we girls came up to my house and kap around.thats all for that day.after that day..i spent ONE WHOLE DAY sleeping at home until 3pm.

here's some picture of us vaining together.






we all and winson in the girls' toilet


you see la don't know who the heck go and disturb me when we are taking pics together.

later on at night.

the posers.

thats all for now thanks for reading this blog.

signing off for now.x
