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20th April ; the day i was born
i own this blog,
memories of mine
a way of expressing my thoughts,
at the end of the day
i'm still chery.=]

Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.

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September 2007
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Oh No
Sunday, November 25, 2007 10:01 PM

today was usual like how every sun was, went to queens bought a shirt from gap and get scolded.ish.LOL ah who cares i wanted to get a pair of shorts from esprit manatahu dad don't let.haihz so sad.and after that we just hang around the mall for 2 hours? after that went to grab something to eat then went to do some groceries shopping.=D hehe.thats all i think oh right and i'm so jealous of all of 'ems who went to kl i want to goo and take a look at THE PAVILION .i think if i'm there my dad's wallet will have a big hole oout of it.HAHAHAHA.

watch my tears falling
Thursday, November 22, 2007 10:31 PM

well, my life as a teenager sucks so badly.i don't know why i'm just not as happy as how i used to be afterall people will grow and change yes indeed but i just wonder why i am i going through this hectic moments while others are just enjoying it?from a really cheerful person i've gone to a moody person well that sucks i don't want that i want to be whatever i am last time because it was way more fun then now .

there is nothing i can do bout it anymore all i can do is sit and watch and i don't know how long i could take it anymore ,I'm going insane over it and heck thats not a good thing to i wish i never met any of you and anything never happen then i might not feel how i'm feeling currently.i was fooled by you, tease by you, and everything else but its alright because no matter what i still enjoy the times we had together, no matter what is going to happen my only wish for now is i hope that you will be happy and for that wish i could do anything just for you.this is going no where so i might as well just stop and disappear in your world that is the best thing for both of us you will go your way and i will go mine.well, from the begining i never expected much from you till today i still haven change my thoughts bout're still the same old person i know is just that you love her more that anything in this world right now and i really hope both of you will have a happy ending but will it be everlasting?

Rainy Day

I wake up in the morning
Remember that you're gone
I wondered where the sun went
The rain is falling now

And I'm awake on this
Rainy day and I'm
Watching as my tears fall down the window pane
Yeah Yeah
Didn't I baby
Treat you right?
And I watch the rain it makes us pure again
yeah yeah yeah yeah

I tried to come and see you
But you wont let me in
I know we've had our moments
But can we start again?

Cuz I'm awake on this
Rainy day and I'm
Watching as my tears fall down the window pane
Yeah yeah
Didn't I baby
Treat you right?
And I watch the rain it makes us pure again
yeah yeah yeah

And tell me how I'm gonna live without you
Feel like my world is falling apart
I watch the rain
Falling again
Wash away
Wash away

I'm awake on this
Rainy day and I'm
Watching as my tears fall down the window pane
Yeah yeah
Didn't I baby
Treat you right?
And I watch the rain it makes us pure again
Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah oh

this is how i'm feeling right now.loneliness and emptiness this feeling couldn't be replace with anything else.

signing off for now.x


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 12:00 PM

lol okay , today i've finally decided to cut and dye my hair or whatever shit i'm gonna do i still haven decided yet alright..haha so i'll update after i do everything by today.thats a promise .NYEHEHEHE.

this is now bye bye hair i'm gonna miss you.xD lol heck no.

signing off for now.x

Saturday, November 17, 2007 7:45 PM

okay so here goes my day, vincent called up and ask to go gurney so i said okay because i'm too bored at home he is took me there.=](ps:if you're reading this now thanks vincent!)hehehe. okay when we reach gurney we walked to THE BANANA'S house.LOL.and waited for jeff.after fooling in his house for like 1/2 an hour or 1 ?then they finally decided to get out of the house and walk to gurney.ish. so yeah when we all reach gurney i went to find nikki and help her babysit her cousin or whatsoever it was full of crap shouldn't have went out actually but hey you can't blame me for wanting to go out on a saturday .ITS SATURDAY OKAYY. didn't stay there for quiet long went back around 4.30 like that and i get scolded from them for going back so early.oh right and thanks to everyone that made my day.=] you guys rocks.

last but not least school have finally come to an end and heck i'm so glad bout it but i don't have any plans YET for my hols so i'm going to plan with those guys or whoever that is going out .teehee. i've finally decided to dye my hair then highlighting but i'm still very confused?i wanna dye i also wanna highlight .ish .this is so sickening but i definitely need a hair cut my fringe is so fricking long and i look like a retard.=X
look so fricking retard.

signing off for now.x


10:44 AM

okay as i've promise i will update my blog so here it goes.

9th November
it was Darien,Vincent, and Johnathan's Birthday Bash in paradise hotel ,it started quiet boring but after that it was fun i guess.xD.LOL.they brought the ps2 and they played games like takken or whatever it is named then later on they want to play fatal frame some kinda ghost game .it wasn't scary at all but i was creped out by one of my friend he was scaring me all the way he this idiot after that we went out to 7 elven to get a drink or something it was quiet a distance but yeah it was fun .i wasn't really into all those that day , i was more attached to the sea view , its so amazing when the sunrise but unfortunately it pathetic could it get more?well there is, we have this SPM(single person meeting) thing going on in the room and we left "THE COUPLES" outside to enjoy their days.i'm just gonna stop here and let the pictures do the talking.=]



the birthday boys

from the upper left.don, winson,darien,darren,jeffery, winson, john.


signing off for now.x
hectic life.


Thursday, November 8, 2007 3:58 PM