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20th April ; the day i was born
i own this blog,
memories of mine
a way of expressing my thoughts,
at the end of the day
i'm still chery.=]

Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.

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Saturday, October 13, 2007 10:13 PM

aiks looool its been so long since i last update.will I'm finally alright my sickness is gone.not exactly well but still counted okay d laaa.okay so i wanna wish PAT and NIKKI HAPPY had a celebration for her on Friday and Saturday.Friday was a steamboat and sat was a lepakking thingy. something like that was bored very bored but it get better afterall was not really bad .didn't really expect like this will happen i thought it will be like i dunno VERY BORING.haha .goonna update soon now i don't really have the mood to type.

signing off for now.x

Good Bye 2007.Hello New Year.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007 11:40 PM

okay so i've decided to change back my old layout afterall i still think it rocks.!haha. it seems like i'm getting older and older,because i'm gonna be in form 3 next year and it feels like everything passing so fast.which i didn't expected it to be like that i though it would be slow and i can just take my sweet time but HECK no.=x 2007 is gonna end within another 3 more months?thats seriously quick don't you think?like all of the sudden i thought of the future what would it be like?what kinda things I'm gonna do ?who am i?what college/university am i going to?it suddenly make me realize time is passing by so fast.i don't want it to past so fast i still wanna be a kid i don't want to take responsibilities and i just wanna play and sleep all the time.xD its pure stupid huh?but hey its fun to sleep. seriously. haha. but one good thing bout the years gonna end it that all of us can reunited as one again and have fun during Christmas eve and new year eve just like last year except without out friend Ian Lim Zhi Yuan whom past away august 2007, 4a.m. i'm hoping that he is having a great time in a new beginning that all i guess for now i'm seriously sick.illness. i've gotta get better soon and i need to shop.!it has been one month since i last bought a shirt omgosh.!= s.

signing off now.x


i'm missing you day by day.

12:53 AM

well,its late and i'm still not asleep yet i dunno why i just wanna watch dramas.Aiks.i think i should start controlling it man.if not i'm seriously gonna go crazy.since i'm so free now i'm gonna upload some pictures from last year and this year.

this was last year,and by now everything had changed.even by the way we all look.


february 2006.OMG.

this was a night at my house.2007

jo's bday 2006(gosh look so different.)

january 2007.a new begining but it turn out to be NOT.

this one is during sports day.aiks stuff had changed too.2007(look so different aiye.)

2007 my birthday bash.

that was then and now present....THE NEW US.






due to all of this picture proven that we've all changed alot .haha.

i don't miss the bad times we have gone through i miss the good times though.x]

signing off for now.x
don't say sorry when you don't mean it.
i love em's and my boy bands.!

Just Smile.
Monday, October 1, 2007 5:54 PM

Woops it seems like it had been a long time since i last update this blog, okay well lately i'm addicted to dramas again haha.x] i just can't stop watching it omgosh its so freaking nice.haha.okay well, i'm not gonna talk bout this laa its too personal.AIKS. well, i'm gonna say this due to my last post i don't have any intention alright and it certainly wasn't talking bout anyone out there it was just something i've been through and though of and i don't need anyones mercy please don't misunderstand okay.=) lets see was windy,cold and i just wanna sleep. so Joanne gave me a new nickname which is snorlex or whatever it is.she says its a character from Pokemon which likes to sleep like me.haha.i kinda agree with her laaa.not a bad name afterall i guess?=/.as usual we just crap around and some form1 wannabes just say something bout steph.what was it yea something like kiap or whatever it is .aiks people like em just don't grow up .they will just be like that for the rest or their lives, no offense to anyone but i'm just saying what i've saw.thats all i don't think that is a wrong thing to do right?

still i wanna say this due to all the drama i've been watching lately i'm so freaking addicted to fei lun hai?or Fahrenheit?something like.woot they are good in dramas ,haha and i've gotta start controlling exams around the corner and i haven started studying my geo and's so sad always having exams.oh well i'm just hopping exams gonna end soon and i can start watching my drama's again.oh right and i've decided to change my background some people said it was so emo and bla bla bla.i'm gonna say it once again I"M NOT EMO.haha so enjoy my new background.

they are the boy band i'm lately into not bad right?xD

woot not forgetting BACKSTREET BOYS.

and and and....not forgetting

emo guys are HOT.

signing off for now.x

&you have gone forever from me.